We are very lucky to be able to host parties, events and workshops in our own unique venue. Magic HQ is our base for everything magical within our business. We have it decorated magically and themed to suit the different seasons, events and celebrations throughout the year or depending on a specific occasion or party.

We have occupied this venue in Consett since Spring 2016. We are located in a quiet residential area on the border of Shotley Bridge and Blackhill. We are next to a variety of other local businesses and only a 5 minute drive from Consett town centre.

Magic HQ often gets referred to as ‘the shop’ for Making Memories Magical but is much more than that. We open as a shop several hours each week. The rest of the time is when we are preparing or holding an event or party as the rest of the business happens magically behind the scenes.

Magic HQ has a colourful seasonal window display throughout the year. Inside we have two rooms. The front room is set up with the crafting area, the Enchanted Forest Apothecary for magic dust or potions, space for games and lots of magical decorations.

This leads to the second room which is set up with a large decorated dining area for refreshments such as afternoon tea. Both rooms are always decorated to suit the theme or season.

We have one toilet facility available for guests and a small kitchenette area for storing and serving refreshments.